Annual report 2021

Active through the pandemic
Corona also had a strong impact on our work in 2021. Thanks to the digital project, we were still there for our children at all times – and with our additional offer „Summer School“ we were even able to catch up on a lot of learning deficits during the holidays.
Today we count 140 children and young people – ten percent more than in the previous year. You will be looked after individually by 80 coaches, older pupils, students and experienced employees.

2021 was the year of digitization for our foundation. In a major project with strong support from our donors, we purchased 50 Surface laptops and 24 iPad Air to support learning.
Pupils from less privileged families can now also learn digital soft skills at our foundation in a controlled environment. Otherwise there is a risk of not being able to keep up, especially in our affluent area. The Laptop project narrows this gap. It took less than six months from the project idea upto the practical use.
Since then, the learning apps, search engines and Office applications have been used on the devices at our locations on Fridays. And if necessary – for example during corona restrictions – the devices are also loaned to children with special needs to take home.

Normally children always look forward to the holidays. It was different in 2021: numerous children came to our „Summer School“ for intensive learning and playing.

We are very committed to participating in the state government’s initiative with a „Summer School“ during the summer holidays. The guiding principle was the Bavaria-wide concept of catching up on learning deficits caused by corona in schools in holiday courses.
In addition, there was the social component that children should do sports together , practice teamwork and have a carefree and good time again. The program runs for a full week. In the mornings there was individual learning support, in the afternoons there were leisure activities and excursions. We focused on special children and young people with special needs. All in all we funded 500 hours.
In order to look after our foundation children more individually and competently, we trained our 80 coaches in numerous further training courses under the motto „train the trainer“.
As always, the topics of the training courses changed regularly: This year, for example, it was “Concentration and Motivation” and a seminar on “Conscious Body Language”. The coaches not only pass on the knowledge they have acquired to the younger students. They will also benefit from these soft skills themselves at school, university or at work.